Herber Engineering AB, a part of Duroc ab

Quick reference for tube bending

Setting of pipe bending tool for tension bending.

Bend die

Mounted so that the fixed jaw lies parallel to the bending direction.

Wiper die

Check that the height matches the profile board and that the slope is parallel to the slope of the profile board. Adjust the locking pressure so that the pipe does not slide in the slopes during bending.

Clamp die

Insert a tube into the locking jaws and lock this. Slide the support rail against the pipe and lock. In principle, the support rail should lie against the pipe without pressure. If necessary readjust in small steps.

Pressure die

Select the type of mandrel according to the table. Set the mandrel so that part of the mandrel body, max approx. 0.5 x the inner diameter of the pipe, located in front of the center of the tool. Try different modes for best results.


Lock a tube between the locking jaws and place next to the support rail. Then push the support shoe forward as far as possible, the tip should then lie almost in front of the center of the profile board, and lock. The support shoe must lie parallel to the support rail or with the rear part slightly further from the support rail.

Rör för rörbockningsmaskiner
Lathund för rörbockning

Wiper die is recommended when the ratio outside diameter/wall thickness is within the gray field.

Lathund för rörbockning

N = No mandrel
S = Standard mandrel
K = Cold thorn
L = Link mandrel (The number indicates the recommended number of balls in the link mandrel.

Contact us

If you need more information about the tools, or other help. We are always available.

Tubebending guide

See our full guide on how to go about tube bending with a Herber machine.